Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 8/17/2022 - 3:30 PM
Category: Information Items
Type: Info
Subject: 14.1 CURRICULUM: Revised Advanced Placement Course: Advanced Placement European History (meets A-G requirements)
Strategic Plan:
File Attachment:
AP European History Course of Study (09 2022).pdf
Summary: The District's Educational Services Department has made recommendations for updates in our district-wide course catalog. We are submitting a revision for an Advanced Placement course for all sites within the Perris Union High School District: Advanced Placement European History. This courses meet the UC/CSU A-G Requirement "A."

In AP European History, students investigate significant events, individuals, developments, and processes from approximately 1450 to the present. Students develop and use the same skills, practices, and methods employed by historians:
- Analyzing primary and secondary sources.
- Developing historical arguments
- Making historical connections.
- Utilizing reasoning about comparison, causation, and continuity and change over time.

The course also provides seven themes that students explore throughout the course to make connections among historical developments in different times and places: interaction of Europe and the world, economic and commercial development, cultural and intellectual development, states and other institutions of power, social organization and development, national and European identity, and technological and scientific innovations.

Students will study the cultural, economic, intellectual, political, and social developments that have shaped Europe from c. 1450 to the present. Students will analyze texts, visual sources, and other historical evidence and write essays expressing historical arguments. Students practice the thinking skills historians use by studying primary and secondary source evidence, analyzing a wide array of historical evidence and perspectives, and expressing historical arguments in writing.

Upon successfully completing this course, students will receive a GPA based on a 5-point weighted scale. They may receive college credit if the student passes the AP European History College Board examination.

The Director of Curriculum and Instruction and the Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services has approved the above course.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees receive for its review and consideration, as part of the first reading, the revised Advanced Placement course: Advanced Placement European History.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Julie Zierold - Director - Curriculum and Instruction
Signed By:
Robert Brough - Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services
Signed By:
Grant Bennett - Superintendent