Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
6/12/2024 - 3:00 PM  
Consent Calendar  
12.22 CURRICULUM: 2024-25 California Department of Education Agricultural Career Technical Education Incentive Grant Application for Heritage High School and Perris High School (funded through Categoriacal Funds in the amount of $43,350, not the General Fund)  
Strategic Plan:
File Attachment:
Application for Funding Agricultural Career Technical Education Incentive Grant Program Year 2024-25 (PHS).pdf
Application for Funding Agricultural Career Technical Education Incentive Grant Program Year 2024-25 (HHS).pdf
The Perris Union High School District is applying for funding under the California Department of Education Agricultural Career Technical Education Incentive Grant in the amount of $17,050 for Heritage High School and $26,300 for Perris High School. The 2024-25 Application for Funding is being submitted for Heritage High School and Perris High School by the Director of Learning Support Services, Dian Martin. This incentive grant, along with District and federal funding, helps to guarantee that the agriculture programs can continue to grow and improve. Since 1917, with the passage of the Smith-Hughes Act, federal and state legislation has provided leadership for implementing and improving agricultural education programs. The California Department of Education, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and the State Board of Education have strongly supported a comprehensive program of instruction in agriculture that integrates technical agriculture with solid academic foundations in core subjects. A successful agriculture education program must be based on classroom instruction, Future Farmers of America (FFA) leadership activities, and Supervised Occupational Experience Projects. The Agricultural Career Technical Education Incentive Grant provides local educational agencies with funds to improve the quality of their agricultural vocational education programs. The goal is maintaining a high-quality, comprehensive agricultural vocational program in California's public school system to ensure a constant source of employable, trained, and skilled individuals. Heritage High School has created an outstanding agriculture program. All Heritage High School Agriculture Teachers are committed to the continuing success of the agricultural programs in the District. The grant application for Heritage High School is for $17,050, and $26,300 for Perris High School. Since the State Incentive Grant must be matched line-by-line, the District will contribute the matching portion from categorical funds.  
The cost for this item will be included in the 2024-25 operating budget funded through Categorical Funds, not the General Fund.  
It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the 2024-25 California Department of Education Agricultural Career Technical Education Incentive Grant Application for Heritage High School and Perris High School.  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Dian Martin - Director - Educational Services
Signed By:  
Kindylee Mackamul - Interim Assistant Superintendent
Signed By:  
Grant Bennett - Superintendent
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member David Nelissen Moved, Member Anthony T. Stafford, Sr. seconded to approve the Original motion 'It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the 2024-25 California Department of Education Agricultural Career Technical Education Incentive Grant Application for Heritage High School and Perris High School.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 5 - 0
David Nelissen     Yes
Anthony T. Stafford, Sr.     Yes
Edward Garcia, Jr.     Yes
Elizabeth Vallejo     Yes
Steve Campos     Yes