Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 8/21/2024 - 5:00 PM
Category: Information Items
Type: Info
Subject: 12.1 CURRICULUM: Revised Elective Course: Peer Tutoring (does not meet A-G requirements)
Strategic Plan:
File Attachment:
Peer Tutoring Rev2024.pdf
Summary: The District's Educational Services Department has recommended updates in our district-wide course catalog. When a course needs updates, the department team works together to create the course of study. This elective course, Peer Tutoring, was revised to reflect the prerequisites needed by the students. It does not meet the UC/CSU requirements. Under the direction of either site techs, academic coaches, or individual teachers, students will be assigned to assist in the Learning Commons or classrooms to work with students and staff. Tech peer tutoring students will troubleshoot mobile devices and learning platforms, and peer tutors listed in the content areas will assist with below-basic and far below-basic students in strategic or intensive intervention classes. This will provide students with one-on-one tutoring on campus and in class. This course is intended for eleventh and twelfth-grade students only.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees receive, for its review and consideration as part of the first reading, the revised elective course: Peer Tutoring.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Dr. Shannyn Cahoon - Director - Curriculum and Instruction
Signed By:
Kindylee Mackamul - Interim Assistant Superintendent
Signed By:
Joseph Williams - Interim Superintendent