Meeting Date:
6/12/2024 - 5:00 PM
Information Items
13.1 CURRICULUM: Revised Middle School English Language Art Course: Language Arts 8
Strategic Plan:
File Attachment:
The District's Educational Services Department has recommended updates in our district-wide course catalog. When a course is discovered to be out of date it is requested that the department team work together to bring the course of study current. The Middle School English Language Arts for middle school was revised to align the course description with the skills needed for high school English I and to include the current curriculum standards.
The 8th Grade English Language Arts is the study of the English language through reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Students learn how to read critically by analyzing complex texts to cite evidence to support claims and determine themes. Students sharpen their vocabulary, grammar, and listening skills through explicitly modeled lessons designed to provide students with the skills needed for 9th grade. Writing and language skills are developed through performance tasks targeted at expository, argumentative, and narrative writing. Students will acquire and successfully use grade-level vocabulary in their writing and speaking. English 8 builds upon previous grade-level language arts standards and prepares students for the demands of high school.
It is recommended that the Board of Trustees receive, for its review and consideration, as part of the first reading, the revised Middle School English Language Arts course: Language Arts 8.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Dr. Shannyn Cahoon - Director - Curriculum and Instruction
Signed By:
Kindylee Mackamul - Interim Assistant Superintendent
Signed By:
Grant Bennett - Superintendent