Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 8/18/2021 - 5:00 PM
Category: Action Items
Type: Action
Subject: 12.5 CURRICULUM: Proposal From STEMulate Learning to Provide Math Educational and Consulting Services to Pinacate Middle School for the 2021-22 School Year (funded through Differentiated Assistance at a total cost not to exceed $73,000, not the General Fund)
Strategic Plan:
File Attachment:
STEMulate Learning.PMS_21-22.pdf
Summary: The District would like to contract with STEMulate Learning to provide math educational coaching and consulting services to all math teachers at Pinacate Middle School.  STEMulate will provide inquiry-based, culturally relevant, and life-affirming training and instruction that will help transform educators into effective instructors and facilitators of learning while empowering students to overcome a fear of math and develop the mathematician within them.  STEMulate Learning incorporates a triangular approach to rigorous mathematics instruction consisting of Social Emotional Learning, Cultural Competence, and a Growth Mindset framework.

Upon completion of the school’s diagnostic report, STEMulate will provide math teachers with suggestions on how to enhance teacher performance with the following services:  math coaching and math modeling twice per week for forty-five minutes a session.  In addition, STEMulate will provide Algebra Readiness, MASTERStudent, and Math Football League Program (ARMS-MFL) services for six (6) Saturdays for up to fifty (50) students.   Math teachers will receive individual coaching and support around lesson planning, pedagogy, student engagement, formative and summative assessments, and content knowledge.  Coaching also includes classroom observations with data-focused debriefs and individual meeting times to discuss classroom strategies.  The Professional Development will consist of a single one (1) hour session at Pinacate Middle School.

The term for this proposal shall be from August 19, 2021, through June 30, 2022, at a total cost not to exceed $73,000.
Funding: The cost for this item is included in the 2021-22 operating budget, funded through Differentiated Assistance, not the General Fund.
Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the Proposal from STEMulate Learning to provide Math Educational and Consulting Services to Pinacate Middle School for the 2021-22 school year.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Dian Martin - Director - Educational Services
Signed By:
Robert Brough - Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services
Signed By:
Dawn Bray - Director - Purchasing
Signed By:
Candace Reines - Deputy Superintendent
Signed By:
Grant Bennett - Superintendent
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member David Nelissen Moved, Member Dr. Randall Freeman seconded to approve the Original motion 'It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the Proposal from STEMulate Learning to provide Math Educational and Consulting Services to Pinacate Middle School for the 2021-22 school year.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 5 - 0
Dr. Jose Luis Araux     Yes
David Nelissen     Yes
Anthony T. Stafford, Sr.     Yes
Dr. Randall Freeman     Yes
Elizabeth Vallejo     Yes