Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
2/15/2023 - 3:30 PM  
Consent Calendar  
11.20 BUILDING AND GROUNDS: Ratification of Change Order #18-013 for Bid Category 18 - Fischer Plumbing, Incorporated for the Liberty High School Project (funded through Various Facilities Funds in the amount of $25,278.22, not the General Fund)  
Strategic Plan:
File Attachment:
0483-01 CCO #18-013, $25,278.22 - Approved.pdf
The Board of Trustees previously approved, and the District has undertaken the facilities project known as the Liberty High School Project, which consists of the construction of a new comprehensive high school facility. On March 20, 2019, the Board of Trustees awarded the contract to Fischer Plumbing, Inc. in the amount of $4,463,487, for the plumbing scope of work required in the construction of the Liberty High School Project. Due to project extensions related to delays in the project schedule due to material procurement, labor shortages, and contractor delays related to COVID, the extension of the project schedule became necessary. The contract extension costs for Category 18 have been thoroughly reviewed, and have come up to a total $41,103.58. After deducting the available project allowance of $15,825.36 the remaining balance of $25,278.22 will be paid through Change Order #18-013. This is being brought before the Board as ratification due to the need to mitigate schedule impacts to the Liberty High School Project.  
The cost for this item is included in the 2022-23 operating budget funded through Various Facilities Funds, not the General Fund.  
It is recommended that the Board of Trustees ratify Change Order #18-013 for Bid Category 18 - Fischer Plumbing, Incorporated for the Liberty High School Project.  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Hector Gonzalez - Director of Facilities
Signed By:  
Sylvia Hinojosa - Director - Purchasing
Signed By:  
Candace Reines - Deputy Superintendent
Signed By:  
Grant Bennett - Superintendent
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member David Nelissen Moved, Member Edward Garcia, Jr. seconded to approve the Original motion 'It is recommended that the Board of Trustees ratify Change Order #18-013 for Bid Category 18 - Fischer Plumbing, Incorporated for the Liberty High School Project.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 5 - 0
David Nelissen     Yes
Anthony T. Stafford, Sr.     Yes
Edward Garcia, Jr.     Yes
Elizabeth Vallejo     Yes
Steve Campos     Yes