Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
6/12/2024 - 3:00 PM  
Consent Calendar  
12.7 CURRICULUM: Multi-Year Partnership Agreement With the Foundation for California Community Colleges on Behalf of the California College Guidance Initiative for K-12 Data Sharing (no fiscal impact)  
Strategic Plan:
File Attachment:
Perris Union High School District_K-12 LEA Partnership Agreement_Final.pdf
The District would like to enter into a multi-year Agreement with the Foundation for California Community Colleges on behalf of the California College Guidance Initiative (CCGI) for K-12 data sharing services. The CCGI seeks to ensure that all 6th through 12th grade students in California have access to a systemic baseline of tools and information as they plan, prepare, and figure out how to pay for college. There are three key areas of concern that CCGI will address. The first concern is the lack of information that parents and families have regarding minimum eligibility requirements (A-G requirements) for a four (4) year college entrance. The second concern addressed is to establish a systematic way to track college preparation for students in college and career readiness. Finally, it will address the lack of success students are having entering community college at credit level classes. CCGI creates individual electronic college and career planning portfolios on their online portal for all students in partnership districts that are populated and updated with student college and career readiness data. The term of this Agreement shall be for five (5) years from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2029.  
No fiscal impact.  
It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the Multi-Year Partnership Agreement with the Foundation for California Community Colleges on Behalf of the California College Guidance Initiative for K-12 data sharing.  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Shannyn Cahoon - Director - Curriculum and Instruction
Signed By:  
Kindylee Mackamul - Interim Assistant Superintendent
Signed By:  
Sylvia Hinojosa - Director - Purchasing
Signed By:  
Candace Reines - Deputy Superintendent
Signed By:  
Grant Bennett - Superintendent
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member David Nelissen Moved, Member Anthony T. Stafford, Sr. seconded to approve the Original motion 'It is recommended that the Board of Trustees approve the Multi-Year Partnership Agreement with the Foundation for California Community Colleges on Behalf of the California College Guidance Initiative for K-12 data sharing.'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 5 - 0
David Nelissen     Yes
Anthony T. Stafford, Sr.     Yes
Edward Garcia, Jr.     Yes
Elizabeth Vallejo     Yes
Steve Campos     Yes